Natasha is a TV anchor, digital content creator, international correspondent, and world explorer. 

Welcome! My name is Natasha Raquel and I am a broadcast journalist that aspires to inspire.

I believe in the art of questioning. Questioning of oneself, of one's society and of one's present. I produce video content with the intent of creating community, spreading awareness, and instigating action. I seek to tell the stories that are untold.

I currently host the news show “Israel Business Beat”, which airs daily on the international TV channel i24News. I joined the channel in 2020, to host and create the daily international news show “Global Eye” on i24NEWs, which I hosted from May 2020 to October 2021.

About Me:

I graduated from Duke University with a degree in Public Policy and Political Science, but my education goes far beyond the books.

I have served as the Chief of Content and Lead Anchor at ILTV, an Israeli news network that I helped build from scratch in 2015. I’ve produced at CBS-Affiliate WRAL and FOX 5. I've also had the honor of working as an international media aide for the last president of Israel and oldest head of state in the world, Shimon Peres. I also contribute as a reporter to the Israeli Sports Channel, and Israel’s leading channels Reshet and Keshet. Check out my LinkedIn for more information.

I hail from New York City, Argentina, and Israel. My international identity has instilled a desire to explore the world and learn from all that is foreign. I'm a travel junkie and born backpacker at heart. I've journeyed to over 40 countries and I'm always planning my next trip. Any suggestions?

I love to learn, but most importantly, I love to tell stories.

If you have a story you'd like me to tell, please reach out. 





"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?" Jewish Scholar, Hillel